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Steppie Balance Board with healthy benefits

Sedentary work is harmful, according to researchers.
Discover how Steppie helps employees and businesses.

Steppie Balance Board with healthy benefits

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Steppie keeps you from sitting still all day at work

  • Exercises your back more
  • Makes it comfortable to stand for longer periods
  • Promotes blood circulation
  • You burn more calories
  • You get more energy

You only have to get on the board. The rest happens by itself……

Steppie is as brilliant as it is simple.

Do NOT believe what we say – just try it yourself.

Steppie balanceplade gør stillesiddende kontorarbejde mindre skadeligt
The Steppie Balance Board’s design is stylish and simple and fits into any office environment.
A conventional balance board with a ball requires a great deal of energy, concentration and balance to use. Steppie is easier. Anyone can use the balance board.
The point of balance is easy to find and the plate tilts in a more controlled manner than a regular balance board.

Researchers agree: We’re sitting too much!

It has been documented in numerous studies conducted at different universities that sitting too much is detrimental to overall health:

  • There is a 54% higher risk to die from a cardiovascular disease if your work is sedentary in nature.
  • The risk of prostate cancer increases by 30% for men whose work is sedentary in nature.
  • You burn 30-50% less calories. It increases the risk of being overweight.

See more scientific evidence

Is it worthwhile investing in employee health?

Every employer should ask themselves that question. It is important to be economical, as this of course plays an important role.

Most employees have an adjustable desk, which has been a big investment.

The problem is that it can be exhausting to be standing for long enough to really make the investment worthwhile for the individual as well as for the company’s finances…

ROI evaluation? See more…