+45 3514 7117

Meet the Steppie team

We are people with passion and a mission!
We created Steppie for you because your body deserves better…

Our mission is to

  • inform about how harmful sedentary work is to your health
  • deliver products with the best ergonomic design
  • deliver high-quality products and have a light carbon footprint

Our vision is to

  • inform everyone of how harmful sedentary work is to their health
  • have everyone replace their chair with a Steppie for half the day

Registrer din virksomhed som Steppieforhandler

13 + 9 =

Gitte Toft

Gitte Toft

Design & marketing

Tlf. +45 22 24 85 10

Henrik Andersen

Henrik Andersen

Sales & purchasing

Tlf. +45 26 35 71 17

Steppies products is different

All other balance boards on the market made for office use have incorrect ergonomic designs. They harm the people using them! Because the manufacturers do not understand ergonomics. We say that with total confidence.

If physiotherapists, occupational physicians and workplace assessment specialists would take a critical look at Steppie’s competitors, the competing products would be rejected.

It is remarkable that there are no requirements and controls for such products. There are strict requirements for all other areas of occupational health and safety.

It starts with your feet

Some balance boards for office use are designed so that you stand on a curve.

It is a design that will inevitably cause overpronation (inward rotation of the ankles). It is not only harmful to the ankles but propagates further up the body.

Some balance boards for office use are designed to tilt 360°.

It is a design that will inevitably cause you to “stand on your heels”. It is not only harmful to the ankles but propagates further up through the body.

Danish quality – with a 10-year warranty

From our beginning back in 2013, our attitude was that we needed to be able to produce our products in Denmark at a price that was competitive enough to sell them in Europe. It can be done.

That is why we produce in Denmark – with a 10-year guarantee and export from here to the Nordic countries, several countries in Europe and to the USA, Australia, Singapore and Japan.

Contact us – we look forward to hearing from you